City of Chillicothe Street Paving Simultaneous to ODOT Route 50 Paving in City
Article Presented By Hanes Total Healthcare Center…
(Chillicothe) – The City of Chillicothe Engineering Department has announced that milling and paving work of City streets has begun affecting portions of the following roads – Hickory, Columbus, Banyas, Buckeye, Edgewood, Ashley, North Bowman, Fourth, Logan and Watt. Crews will effectively move throughout the city to conduct milling and paving work. Residents are advised to watch for “NO PARKING” signs, as no parking areas will be strictly enforced. All work is weather dependent. Motorists are advised to use caution, watch for construction vehicles and workers, and plan alternate routes on impacted days. Residents are encouraged to contact the Engineering Department with any questions at (740) 773-8981 or by e-mail at Engineering@ChillicotheOH.gov
While the City does it’s paving, work has also begun for a resurfacing project on U.S. 50 inside the City of Chillicothe, affecting the following roads – Western, West Main, South Bridge, and Eastern. At least one lane will be maintained throughout the work zone for the project. Work will occur daily for this construction from 8pm-6am. All work is weather dependent. Motorists are advised to use caution, watch for construction vehicles and workers, and plan alternate routes on impacted days. For more information regarding this resurfacing project, residents may call ODOT District 9 – Chillicothe at (740) 774-8834 or by e-mail at D09.PIO@dot.ohio.gov