OU-Chillicothe Community Education Workshops Return
Article Presented By Scioto Valley Dumpsters, LTD.
(Chillicothe) – Community Education workshops at OHIO Chillicothe Campus are ready for Fall signups and are open to the general public regardless of educational background. These classes are self-supporting, and the fees collected from Community Education cover all instructional, administrative, and overhead cost of the program. All ages are welcome, unless noted.
Community Education workshops do not carry credit applicable toward an Ohio University degree or transferable to other institutions. Classes are scheduled year-round.
For a list of workshop classes scheduled, CLICK HERE
Floral arranging? Crocheting? Macramé? Terrariums? Leather Accessories? Do any of these interest you? Are there any types of workshops you would like to see offered at OHIO Chillicothe? Give them your feedback… CLICK HERE