“Point In Time Count” Details Ross County Homeless Population for 2025
Article Presented By Kingston National Bank…
The Ross County Continuum of Care has announced results from their Annual Point In Time Count that was conducted in Ross County between 8pm Tuesday, January 28th and 6am Wednesday, January 29th.
The day of the count found 55 unsheltered individuals, which specifically broke down to 28 men, 24 women, and 3 children. None of the unsheltered counted on the date of the tabulation were military veterans.
Sheltered individuals totaled 75 people at the Ross County Community Resource Center. Their numbers were 40 men, 22 women, and 13 children. Five sheltered children were staying that day at “Rose 3 Survivors”.
16 volunteers participated in the Point In Time Count, surveying 13 locations, which were 7 in the rural areas of Ross County and 6 in the City. Volunteer agencies participating were from the Chillicothe VAMC, Ross County Community Action, Sojourners, ABC Church, Paint Valley ADAMH, Ross County Health District, Integrated Services for Behavioral Health, Chillicothe City School District, Brightview, and Lutheran Social Services.
The annual count is done in order for the community to qualify for federal funding to assist the homeless population.