U.S. 33/Route 682 Interchange In Athens County To Become A Roundabout
Article Presented By Classic Brands…
(The Plains) – Construction of roundabouts at the SR 682/U.S. 33 interchange begins on February 3, 2025. Lane closures with temporary traffic signals or flaggers will be in place. Ramp closures will also be in place in future phases of the project.
Construction is estimated to end in October, 2025.
The SR 682/U.S. 33 interchange was constructed in 1958 and is the first interchange ever constructed in the nine counties of ODOT District 10. Other than adding a traffic signal at the west bound ramp intersection in 1999, no significant upgrades have been completed at the interchange.
This project will convert the ramp intersections to roundabouts. Currently, the east bound exit ramp is controlled by a stop sign and the west bound ramp intersection is controlled by a traffic signal. Since Sunset Lane and Whispering Pines Drive are close to the interchange, each road’s intersection with SR 682 will be included in the designs of the roundabouts to maintain both east and west access to SR 682 from these roadways. The improvements will modernize the interchange to handle traffic now and in the future with less delays compared to the existing traffic signal and stop sign controlled intersections. The improvements will address limited sight distance of SR 682 traffic from the east bound exit ramp. Roundabouts are also a safer type of at-grade intersection, with typical reductions of 76% in injury crashes and 35% in overall crashes.
Access to and from U.S. 33 and The Plains will be maintained during construction. SR 682 east (north) of the interchange may require a detour during construction.