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Paint Valley ADAMH Board Seeks Levy Renewal On November Ballot

Presented By Atomic Speedway

Penny Dehner, CEO of the Paint Valley ADAMH Board is promoting a November 2nd Levy Renewal for one mill over ten years, that will maintain existing tax dollars coming in from the five-county area of Ross, Pike, Pickaway, Fayette and Highland counties.

“The levy dollars bring in actually more dollars for our board than what we received in federal and state funding. So, the levy is extremely important for us, that most people don’t know that we as an ADAMB Board are not allowed to provide direct services, so we contract with area agencies to cover those that have little or no insurance. We want to make sure that we break down the barriers so if thou are having a mental health issue or substance abuse issue, that you can reach out for help and the ADAMH Board is there to help pay for some of those costs for you.”

Dehner pointed out that while they do receive many grants from state and local government along with other agencies, those funds can not sustain the operation of the five-county board with out the taxpayer levy that is in place, for which they are seeking the removal.

Paint Valley ADAMH has served the area for the past half-century.

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