2021 BBBS Dance For Kids Sake Is October 16th
Presented By Rathkamp Financial


(Chillicothe) — Join Big Brothers/Big Sisters at Ohio University Chillicothe’s Shoemaker Center on October 16th at 7pm for our 2021 Dance For Kids’ Sake Competition.
Every donation made to your favorite Celebrity Dancer will not only help them in their quest to become our 2021 Dance For Kids’ Sake Children’s Champion, but it will also help aid us in BBBS’ mission to provide children facing adversity with strong and enduring, research-based, professionally supported, one-to-one relationships that change their lives for the better, forever.
This year’s participants are:
Jonathan & Kristen Davis
Brad & Kelly Bigelow
Joshua Tripp
Marshall & Jade Berry
Rhythmic Thunder: Laura Adams, Dr. Valerie Good, Dr. Reggina Yandila, Dr. Catherine “Katie” Neal & Ben Copher
Allie Joseph & Susie Webb *** Unfortunately, Susie has had to drop out of the event, but a Kenworth team member will be dancing in her place.
Donations should be made on the individual dancer page you wish to support. You can find each dancer’s page by clicking their photo below. http://www.bbbssco.org/dance-for-kids-sake.html