2023 Ohio Sales Tax Holiday August 4-6
Article Presented By Classic Brands…
(Columbus) – Ohio’s Sales Tax Holiday, aimed at helping parents save money on back to school items, happens August 4th-6th. The permanent sales tax holiday occurs in Ohio on the first Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of August each year.
The sales tax holiday will begin at 12am Friday and end Sunday at 11:59pm.
During the holiday, the following items are exempt from sales and use tax:
- An item of clothing priced at $75 or less;
- An item of school supplies priced at $20 or less; and
- An item of school instructional material priced at $20 or less.
Items used in a trade or business are not exempt under the sales tax holiday. There is no limit on the amount of the total purchase. The qualification is determined item by item.
“Clothing” is defined as all human wearing apparel suitable for general use. “Clothing” includes, but is not limited to, shirts; blouses; sweaters; pants; shorts; skirts; dresses; uniforms (athletic and nonathletic); shoes and shoe laces; insoles for shoes; sneakers; sandals; boots; overshoes; slippers; steel-toed shoes; underwear; socks and stockings; hosiery; pantyhose; footlets; coats and jackets; rainwear; gloves and mittens for general use; hats and caps; ear muffs; belts and suspenders; neckties; scarves; aprons (household and shop); lab coats; athletic supporters; bathing suits and caps; beach capes and coats; costumes; baby receiving blankets; diapers, children and adult, including disposable diapers; rubber pants; garters and garter belts; girdles; formal wear; and wedding apparel.
“School supplies” include only the following items: binders; book bags; calculators; cellophane tape; blackboard chalk; compasses; composition books; crayons; erasers; folders (expandable, pocket, plastic, and manila); glue, paste, and paste sticks; highlighters; index cards; index card boxes; legal pads; lunch boxes; markers; notebooks; paper; loose leaf ruled notebook paper, copy paper, graph paper, tracing paper, manila paper, colored paper, poster board, and construction paper; pencil boxes and other school supply boxes; pencil sharpeners; pencils; pens; protractors; rulers; scissors; and writing tablets.