Nan Whaley Brings Gubernatorial Campaign To Southern Ohio
Article Presented By Horizon Connects
(Whaley Campaign Release) — Sunday afternoon, Democratic gubernatorial nominee Nan Whaley will hold campaign events in Chillicothe and Portsmouth as part of a campaign swing through southern and southeastern Ohio.
Whaley will conduct a Meet and Greet Sunday, August 21st at the Ross County Democrat Party Headquarters, located at 10 South Paint Street in Chillicothe. The event starts at noon.
From there, Candidate Whaley heads to Portsmouth, where she will attend an Opioids Roundtable, hosted by River Valley Organizing at 1656 Gallia Street, starting at 3:45pm.
She concludes her visit to Portsmouth at 5pm, for a Meet and Greet with voters at the IBEW 575, located at 110 Offnere Street in Portsmouth.