Next Round of Chillicothe Street Paving Scheduled For October 4th
Article Presented By Scioto Valley Dumpsters, LTD
(Chillicothe) – The City of Chillicothe Engineering Department is announcing that the milling and paving work of High Street, from Mill Street to Orange Street will start on Tuesday, October 4, 2022.
Repairs will take four days to complete and weather permitting, paving will be completed by the end of the day on Friday, October 7, 2022. A detour route will be in place.
The street will be opened each night after the crews are done for the day, and close again each morning at 6:30am. Residents of High Street may park on the street until Tuesday morning (October 4, 2022) at 6:30am.
NO PARKING signs will be posted in advance of the work. Residents are advised to watch for NO PARKING signs, as NO PARKING will be strictly enforced.
Motorists are advised to use caution and plan an alternate route on those days. Please use caution and watch for construction vehicles and workers.