Ross County Park District Opens Disc Golf Course at Metahqua Nature Preserve
Article Presented By Tomlinson Insurance…
The Ross County Park District officially opened up their brand new disc golf course at Metahqua Nature Preserve on May 17th.
Work has been done on this course for a little less than a year, says Maintenance Supervisor of the park district, Allen Hawk. “We started in late July, early August.”
He went on to say that with the addition of the disc golf course, this particular park has already gained some popularity. “Our numbers were five to six people a week using our park, now there’s days where we have fix or six groups of disc golfers coming through, so we’ve already exponentially increased the use of the park.”
“It’s one of our prettiest spots, it’s my favorite park,” said Ross County Park District Director Myranda Vance. She also said there are plans to add an archery range to the Ross County Baseball Park on Egypt Pike.
Metahqua Nature Preserve is open from dawn to dusk and is located at 3663 Walnut Creek Rd. You can find an interactive trail map, and more information about the park here.