OU-Chillicothe Hosts Constitution Day Event
Presented By McDonald’s, I’m Lovin’ It!
A special Constitution Day event will be held at OU-Chillicothe’s Bennett Hall Auditorium on Friday, September 17th. The free event runs between 10:30am to noon and can be attended in-person or by Virtual Live Streaming on Microsoft Teams: https://bit.ly/3hilIOc
Dr. John O’Keefe will lead the session, along with special guest speakers.
The guest speakers will be Patricia Vegas (Pro Bono Coordinator) and Joshua Goodwin (Managing Attorney) from Southeastern Ohio Legal Services. Their lecture will be “Access to Justice in your Community”.
O’Keefe is an associate professor of history at Ohio University-Chillicothe and received his Ph.D. from George Washington University. He is the author of Stranger Citizens: Migrant Influence and National Power in the Early American Republic (Cornell University Press, 2021.)
His work focuses on the role of migrants in the United States and shaping of the rights of citizenship, and their intersections with racial and national identity. He has written articles on U.S. Diplomatic History for the web site of the Office of the Historian at the U.S. Department of State. He has also worked on an exhibition, HIV and AIDS 30 Years Ago at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History, which was on exhibition in 2011..