Student Geology Research Grants Offered Through ODNR
Presented By Hometown-Motors, Inc.
COLUMBUS, Ohio – The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), Division of Geological Survey is accepting applications for the Ohio Geology Student Research Grant program. For a seventh academic year, the program will support graduate and undergraduate students who conduct geologic research in the state.
The ODNR Division of Geological Survey will award grants of $2,500 to three earth science students at Ohio colleges and universities. Each grantee will be selected based on the quality of their application, the strength of their professor’s letter of recommendation, and the relevancy of their proposed research.
“Small scholarships like these had a big impact on my college experience,” ODNR Division of Geological Survey Chief and State Geologist D. Mark Jones said. “One of the most important things we can do is to continue making these opportunities available. They benefit both students and Ohio citizens.”
Previous grant recipients have conducted studies that further our understanding of Ohio geology, including mapping of stratigraphy and glacial features, assessing impacts of human activities on soils, and delineating stream patterns, among other projects.
The deadline for application submission is Friday, Dec. 31. The application and complete submission guidelines can be found on the Division’s website. Candidates must be enrolled in a full-time graduate or undergraduate earth science studies program at an accredited college or university in Ohio for the 2021–2022 year.