AAUW 59th Annual Used Book Sale Coming in October
Article Presented By Rathkamp Financial
The AAUW Chillicothe OH Branch is happy to announce that planning is underway for the 59th Annual Used Book Sale. The Used Book Sale inventory is 100% based upon community donations.

In previous years, blue book barrels have been placed around the community to accept donations. In addition to book barrels, the committee has decided to offer a book drop off drive thru event on Saturday, August 20, 10am-1pm. The drive thru will take place BEHIND the Chillicothe Ross Chamber of Commerce, located at 45 E. Main Street, Chillicothe. Pull in Masonic Alley (beside The Class Act School of Cosmetology and the Chamber office) and exit through the Chamber parking lot. Look for the signs.
Accepting books, puzzles, games, audio books, and videos. Book barrels will be out beginning Thursday, September 1, at the following locations:
· Chillicothe Ross Chamber of Commerce
· First Capital Nutrition
· Sparkle Cleaners
· Ohio University-Chillicothe
· Corner Market (Charleston Pike)
If you have a large donation, please reach out to @AAUWChillicotheOhio on Facebook or call Ann (740) 703-9244 to arrange.
The 59th Annual Used Book Sale is taking place at a NEW location this year! The sale will be held at Tabernacle Baptist Church, 221 E. Main St., Chillicothe. This location offers ample parking, easy access, and 3x the space for easy shopping.
The Used Book Sale starts with First Choice Night ($5 cover charge) on Tuesday, October 4, 5pm to 8pm; Wednesday, October 5-Friday, October 7, 9am to 7pm; and BAG-A-BUCK Day on Saturday, October 8, 9am to NOON.