Approaching Holidays Has OSP Urging Motorists To “Buckle Up Every Trip”
Article Presented By Rathkamp Financial…
(Columbus) – The Ohio State Highway Patrol is reminding everyone to buckle up this upcoming holiday season. Since 2019, a total of 2,919 people who were not wearing an available safety belt were killed in traffic crashes on Ohio’s roadways.
Statistics show 73% of vehicle occupants aged 21 to 40 killed in motor vehicle crashes were not wearing an available safety belt. Cuyahoga (2,088), Franklin (1,375), Hamilton (1,052) and Montgomery (872) counties account for more than one-third of the unbelted fatal and serious injury crashes.
“Every time you get into a vehicle, properly buckling up is one of the easiest ways to protect yourself and your loved ones from serious injury, or even death, in the event of a crash,” said Colonel Charles A. Jones, Patrol superintendent. “Wearing your safety belt remains the simplest and most effective step you can take to stay safe on the road.”
Ohio’s safety belt law remains a secondary violation; however, troopers will continue to have zero tolerance when motorists are stopped for other violations and are found to not be wearing their safety belt. Since 2019, troopers have issued more than 400,000 safety belt and child safety seat citations.
The Ohio State Highway Patrol encourages everyone to Buckle Up Every Trip, Every Time. A statistical map containing safety belt usage, violations and crash information can be found here.
The public is encouraged to call #677 to report impaired drivers, drug activity or stranded motorists.