Bishop Flaget Seeks Input About Restarting A Catholic High School in Chillicothe
Article presented by Atomic Speedway
(Chillicothe) – Bishop Flaget Catholic School’s Facebook page is reporting that discussions are underway about gauging the public interest in a restart of Bishop Flaget High School.
“We just had our first discussion of a new Catholic high school in Chillicothe! We need your input! Please complete our survey and share with anyone else who wants to chime in! We need everyone’s thoughts in order to create the best opportunity for Catholic education beyond 8th grade in our community!”
The purpose of this survey is to collect data to begin the discussion of forming and operating a Catholic high school on the Bishop Flaget Catholic School campus at 570 Parsons Avenue in Chillicothe, Ohio.
The building, which was built as a high school in 1962 and closed in 1986, currently houses students in preschool through 8th grade.
The Bishop Flaget Facebook survey also stated- “Discussion is just beginning, but we would like to be able to put together a multi-faceted plan which addresses the educational and spiritual needs of our community as well as surrounding communities. It is our goal to present a viable plan to the Diocese of Columbus within the 2022-2023 school year which would enable us to enroll our first 9th grade students for the 2023-2024 school year.”