Chillicothe Awarded $5.2 Million in Federal Grants
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Today, Mayor Luke Feeney announced that the City of Chillicothe received $5.2 million in Congressionally Directed Spending for three projects in the City of Chillicothe. The applications were submitted last year to United States Senator, Sherrod Brown and United States Representative, Brad Wenstrup who championed the projects on Chillicothe’s behalf.
The largest of the three awards was $2.8 million for the replacement of the Marietta Road sanitary sewer lift station which bears the task of moving approximately one quarter of the City’s Wastewater and is vital for supporting business, economic development, and expansion. The City also received an award of $1.5 million to work with partners in creating new housing opportunities in the community.
“We are incredibly fortunate to have the bipartisan support of Senator Brown and Representative Wenstrup for our Marietta Lift Station and Transitional Housing Congressionally Directed Spending proposals,” said Mayor Feeney. “Their support and advocacy for Chillicothe and its residents will make a true impact in Chillicothe by keeping fees down and creating housing opportunities where they are truly lacking.”
The third funded project, which Senator Brown requested on the City’s behalf, is $900,000 for design and construction work for Yoctangee Park improvements. The City has already appropriated $500,000 for park improvements and submitted an Appalachian Community Grant Program (ACGP) application for Yoctangee Park upgrades in December of 2023.
“The Choose Chillicothe Comprehensive Plan made it clear that the community wanted upgrades in Yoctangee Park, and we’ve now secured at total of $1.4 million toward that project”, said Mayor Feeney. “Senator Brown’s support of this project makes it clear that he understands that Yoctangee Park is an incredible community asset which will only become more important as tourism increases due to World Heritage travel. With the funding we have already secured and the possibility of ACGP funding on the horizon, the opportunity of something truly transformative is becoming a reality.”
Planning for all three projects is underway and additional information will be available on the City website, ChillicotheOH.Gov.