Chillicothe Bike Path Parking Lot to Close For Sewer Repair
Article Presented By Advanced Services
(Chillicothe) – Chillicothe Utilities Director Brad Long has announced an update to the Media Release from August 15th.
The Paint Creek Recreational Trail (bike path) parking lot located on North Poplar Street, will be closed. The City of Chillicothe Utilities Department will be using this area to set up a mobile pump to assist with the Water Street and Watt Street sewer repairs. Additionally, Riverside Drive will be closed from Sugar Street to the intersection of Columbia Avenue for this work. Columbia Avenue will have access to Riverside to the east. The closure will be in effect Monday, August 15, 2022, and will extend until the end of September 2022.
Questions can be addressed by calling the city at (740) 774-1185 or by email at cityofchillicothe@chillicotheoh.gov