Chillicothe Boys Grab FAC Golf Match #4 Win
Article Presented By Adena Health…
The Chillicothe Cavs won FAC Golf Match #4 at Hillsboro Monday. The win enabled the Cavs to draw closer to league leader Jackson, who stands at (19-1) with Chillicothe (17-3).
FAC Boys Match #5 at will be at Buckeye Valley in Greenfield McClain Wednesday.
Monday Team Scores:
Chillicothe 162
Jackson 169
Hillsboro 177
McClain 181
Washington 191
Miami Trace 193
Chillicothe individual scores:
Aidan Fischer 35- Match Medalist
Vincent Haller 40
Jackson Oyer 41
Kooper Elliott 46
JB Maravilla 58
Jackson McNeal 59
Chillicothe Coach Jason Fischer praised the Cavs effort: “First Chillicothe boys score in a conference match under par in the last 10 years since I have been coaching at CHS.”