Chillicothe Launches New Digital Community Engagement Platform
Article Presented By Advanced Services
(Chillicothe) – The City of Chillicothe has announced the launch of Engage Chillicothe – a new digital community engagement platform. The platform will provide residents with a central online hub where they can learn about ongoing City projects and initiatives, share ideas, discuss proposals with fellow community members, and make their voice heard on the issues that matter to them.
“Engage Chillicothe is another tool to connect and hear from residents of Chillicothe as we continue to plan for growth and improve quality of life in Chillicothe,” said Mayor Luke Feeney. “This online platform is not meant to replace traditional in-person engagement but provide another opportunity for residents to have a say in the direction of the city and access to information regarding the many projects taking place throughout our departments”.
The goal of the Engage Chillicothe platform is to include the community more inclusively and more often in local decision-making processes and to increase transparency about how decisions are made. Residents and stakeholders can use Engage Chillicothe to get informed, ask questions, and provide feedback about City initiatives.
Currently there are four projects open for input on Engage Chillicothe:
- ARPA Spending Priorities – Residents can share what projects are most important to them and help shape how the City spends the $2M received through the American Rescue Plan Act through a participatory budgeting activity.
- Complete Streets Policy – Community members can learn what makes a complete street and provide feedback on a Complete Streets Policy that will support accessible and safe biking, driving, rolling, and walking paths for all people.
- Chillicothe Trolley – Submit ideas on how to further embed the trolley in the community. The residents can also read through other ideas submitted by their neighbors and comment or ask questions on their idea.
- Comprehensive Plan – Learn about the year-long process that is nearing completion and hear about next steps. Review draft material and memos completed in the process so far.
Public engagement is an ongoing process and the projects on Engage Chillicothe will be updated and added to over time. All residents are invited and encouraged to make an online account by visiting engage.chillicotheoh.gov.
More information can be found at engage.chillicotheoh.gov or by contacting the Asti Powell, Director of Planning & Development at astipowell@chillicotheoh.gov or by phone 740-773-8981 ext. 117.