Circleville Voters Reject City Charter Proposal
Article Presented By Scioto Valley Dumpsters, LTD
(Circleville) – Voters in the City of Circleville have rejected a proposed charter drafted by the charter commission in the August 2nd Special Election.
The margin was approximately 2-1 against, with 1,356 voters against and only 557 in favor, according to the Pickaway County Board of Elections.
The State of Ohio has 183 Charter cities have a mandated initiative process for charter amendments. All 51 Charter villages have a mandated initiative process for charter amendments. All 86 General law counties do not have general initiative or referendum processes though Title V of the Ohio Revised Code specifies limited cases.
A charter form of government could see a city council hire a city manager instead of voters selecting a mayor.
The proposal has been under consideration for a few years, with the charter commission studying the idea that finally went to the voters, who have now rejected it.
Washington Court House is a nearby community that uses a charter government for their city.