Commercial Point Karting Classic This Weekend
Article Presented By Classic Brands
(Commercial Point) – The Village of Commercial Point comes to life with a street kart racing tradition. Karters and fans of all ages will enjoy an unforgettable weekend full of entertainment and racing action at the 2022 Commercial Point Karting Classic.

Admission for viewing the Commercial Point Karting Classic is free. Food and beverages are served at various locations around the track. All sales benefit local organizations and businesses.

Event parking is located at the Commercial Point Community Center with parking proceeds benefiting local organizations. Additional parking is provided in several locations throughout town with proceeds benefiting local organizations. Most street parking throughout the village is prohibited during the races. Please acknowledge all posted signs to avoid being towed.
Races are held rain or shine. Umbrellas and ponchos are recommended on rainy race days.
Portable restrooms can be found at various locations around the track.