Fayette Health Dept Offers “Safe Sitter Class”
Article Presented By Litter Quality Propane…
(Washington CH) – The Fayette County Health Department will be offering one of their most popular offerings with the Safe Sitter Class. This is for students going into 6th, 7th, or 8th grades.
They will learn: Skills for staying safe, Child development, How to care for children, and How to handle routine babysitting situations.
This course is being offered on two dates: June 11th or July 9th. The cost is $50, and students will need to bring a packed lunch.
The register deadline is June 3rd and includes doing the following: Call (740) 335-5910 to reserve one of the limited spots, Complete the registration form, and return the registration form to FCPH. You MUST complete all three steps above by June 3rd or your child will be unable to attend.
For questions, call the Fayette County Health Educator, Janessa, at (740) 335-5910.