Local Groups Collaborate on New Youth Center
Article Presented By Rathkamp Financial…
(Ross County) – A group of local organizations committed to youth resiliency have teamed up to bring a new youth center to Ross County. The recently acquired Landrum Youth Empowerment Center is located at 147 North Bridge Street in the former Bridge Street Church of Christ building. The center will offer training for youth organizations, peer & parent support groups, mentoring programs, after school activities and co-working space for area non-profits.
“The mission of the Landrum Youth Empowerment Center is to create a safe, supportive and inclusive environment for area youth,” said Superintendent of the Pioneer Center, Amy Beeler. “We are proud to be a founding partner in this endeavor”.
Other current partners of the project include Ross County Breathe Programs, Paper City Mentoring Project, and the Chillicothe Autism & Disability Parent Support Group. The purchase of the building was made possible using grant funds from the Landrum Fund, OHMAS and Strong Families Safe Communities. Each partner will help sustain the project and grow programming in the years to come.
The center has already hosted its first training for local youth organizations and is home to several events this month including Ross County Sibshops gatherings and the Peace Center for Teens every Wednesday afternoon. For more information visit landrumyec.org or follow the group’s social media pages.