MSL Buckeye Track & Field Champs- Teays Valley Girls/Bloom Carroll Boys
Presented By McDonald’s, I’m Lovin’ It!
For the first time in 31 years, the Teays Valley Lady Vikings have won a Mid State League Track & Field Championship. Teays Valley scored 163 team points for the Buckeye Division championship with Fairfield Union second with 141.
Third place was Logan Elm with 77.5, Circleville 67, Bloom Carroll 66.5, Hamilton Township 62, Liberty Union 56 and Amanda with 10.
On the boys side of the track, Bloom Carroll won the team title with 153 points followed by Hamilton Township 91, Circleville 90, Teays Valley 88, Liberty Union 83.5, Fairfield Union 60, Amanda 39 and Logan Elm 37.5.
For complete individual results, go to our link for Baums Page.