New Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Open Ahead of Holidays
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(Columbus) – Electric vehicle (EV) drivers in Ohio can travel with confidence this holiday season with more charging options available across the state. In recent weeks, the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT)’s DriveOhio has opened seven new EV charging stations, bringing the state’s total to thirteen new stations since this time last year. In addition, six more locations are currently under construction and expected to be operational by the end of the year.
“Opening these charging stations along our interstates provides EV travelers with increased fueling options that are convenient and reliable this holiday season and beyond,” said ODOT Director Pamela Boratyn.
Each new station has multiple ports to accommodate simultaneous charging of at least four vehicles per location and each port is equipped with at least 150 kilowatts of power, which can charge most EVs in around 30 minutes. Conveniently located at existing businesses along Ohio’s interstates, drivers will have access to restrooms and amenities while their vehicle charges.
“Through our outreach, we know that availability is a concern for many drivers, so continuing to implement more fast-charging options is key to addressing our customers’ needs,” said Preeti Choudhary, DriveOhio Executive Director.
Since the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) program began in 2022, Ohio has led the nation in the rapid deployment of EV fast-chargers along interstates and major state routes. Nearly half of all NEVI-funded stations currently operating across the country are in Ohio.
To date, DriveOhio has awarded more than $30 million for 42 stations, which will be matched with nearly $10 million from the selected winners. Last week, ODOT received 128 proposals for the next round of stations, which will be evaluated in the coming months. An interactive map with ODOT’s existing and planned EV charging stations can be found at drive.ohio.gov/nevi.
In total, Ohio expects to receive $140 million in NEVI funding by 2026 to support the expansion of EV charging. As DriveOhio continues to plan for future projects related to EV infrastructure, it has issued a Request for Information (RFI) to help identify innovative ideas for rural charging, cybersecurity, fleet electrification, airport charging, workforce development, and more. Responses to the RFI are due January 17, 2025 at 1 p.m. ET.