ODOT Conducts Virtual Open House for U.S. Route 33 Widening Project
Article Presented By Litter Quality Propane…
(Delaware) – The Ohio Department of Transportation, District 6 would like to invite you to participate in a virtual open house to learn more about the proposed project to widen US 33 from Refugee Road (SR 104) in Franklin County to Hill-Diley Road in Fairfield County. Public input is an important part of the project development process and provides valuable feedback that helps guide decision-making through all phases of development. The purpose of this project is to reduce congestion and improve safety on this section of US 33.
The estimated cost of the project is $128 million with a projected start date being the Summer of 2026.
The US 33 Widening Project (PID 121811) began as part of the Southeast Corridor study. The project focuses on adding capacity to U.S. Route 33 from State Route 104 to Hill-Diley Road to reduce congestion, improve safety, and improve regional mobility. Key objectives include maximizing operational efficiency for through traffic, ensuring safe travel within the corridor, and integrating access with the local roadway system.
ODOT is seeking public input regarding the proposed impacts. We ask that you take some time to visit the project website to review the project information, potential impacts, and submit your questions or comments. Project staff can be reached through any of the methods listed below to answer questions. For more information on the proposed project, please visit:
Comments can also be sent via mail to:
Gary Fetherolf, PE
400 East William St
Delaware, OH 43015
By phone at (740) 833-8162 or email via Gary.Fetherolf@dot.ohio.gov.
Comments will be received until October 2, 2024.