ODOT Public Comments Open On Two Highland County Projects
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(Highland County) – As part of the Ohio Department of Transportation—District 9’s Planning Department, the district’s Environmental Office is seeking public input for a safety project to improve crosswalks on U.S. 50 and U.S. 62 in the city of Hillsboro, and for a bridge rehabilitation on State Route 753 in Highland County.
HIG-50/62-Hillsboro Safety (PID 117314) It is proposed to upgrade existing crosswalks in Hillsboro, Ohio. The crosswalks at the Main Street and High Street intersection will be replaced with new high visibility crosswalks including new pavement markings, center median refuge islands, and solar powered pedestrian activated beacons. The project will remove 15 parking spaces. East Main Street will lose four parking spots, South High Street will lose five parking spots and West Main Street will lose six parking spots. No new right-of-way will be needed for the project. No homes or businesses will be removed by the project. The funding for the project is Federal and Local. The environmental commitment date is 9/1/2023. The project is currently expected to be awarded 1/12/2024.
HIG-SR 753-13.03 (PID 107344) It is proposed to rehabilitate the bridge over Rattlesnake Creek on S.R. 753 in Highland County, Ohio. The project is located between Snake Road and Paint Creek Road in a rural area of Madison and Paint Townships. The existing bridge was built in 1967. No streams will be impacted by the project. No new right-of-way will be needed for the project. No homes or businesses will be removed by the project. The roadway will be closed for the duration of the project. The state detour will be S.R. 753 to U.S. 50 to S.R. 41 to S.R. 28 to S.R. 753. The state detour is approximately 21 miles. The funding for the project is 100% State. The environmental commitment date is 12/31/2023. The project is currently expected to be awarded 10/1/2024.
Written comments for both projects should be submitted by August 31, 2023, or the deadline date that is posted on the web site, to: Brandon Beck, ODOT District 9 Environmental Supervisor, 650 Eastern Avenue, Chillicothe, Ohio 45601 E-Mail: Brandon.Beck@dot.ohio.gov