Ohio EMS Alerts 1st Responders to Concerns on 2024 Solar Eclipse
Article Presented By Tomlinson Insurance…
(Columbus) – On Monday, April 8, 2024, people within a 124-mile-wide band in the state of Ohio will experience a total solar eclipse. Areas in Ohio that are outside the path of totality will experience a partial eclipse.
A total solar eclipse is a rare and spectacular event. On average, one happens somewhere on the Earth only once every 1.5 years. Only 21 total solar eclipses have crossed the lower 48 states in the entire existence of the United States. The last total solar eclipse visible in Ohio was in 1806. The next total solar eclipse in Ohio will be in the year 2099.
This event will draw a large number of people and vehicles to viewing areas in the path of the eclipse. People will be coming to Ohio from across the country and the world. This will dramatically affect your ability to respond to emergencies and transport patients. Multi-agency planning between local, county, and state officials has been underway for over one year now.
Has your agency been engaged in similar planning efforts?
Are you and your first responders adequately prepared to meet the unique challenges that this event may cause in your area?
If your service is located in the path of the eclipse, we urge you to consult with your local officials and county Emergency Management Agency now to discuss emergency and non-emergency operations prior to, during and after the eclipse.
Go HERE for full details of the eclipse and access to related information found under the “Resources” tab.