Paint Valley’s Ainsley Weaver Advances to Elks Hoop Shoot National Finals
Article presented by Pickaway-Ross CTC Adult Education …
Ainsley Weaver’s headed to the Windy City in April to compete in the 2024 Elks Hoop Shoot National Finals.

The Chillicothe Elks Hoop Shoot 8-9 year old division winner sank 23-of-25 free throws at Saturday’s Great Lakes Region 4 contest in South Bend, Indiana.
The Paint Valley 4th Grader battled others from Indiana and Michigan.
Local Elks Hoop Shoot Director, Gayle Mahaffey tells Litter Media, Weaver and Unioto Primary’s Isaiah Reveal both advanced in their age divisions with qualifying performances at the State Competition held in Newark last month.
Reveal finished third in the Regional Saturday in the 10-11 year old Division.
Weaver has advanced through the ranks from the local Chillicothe Hoop Shoot held in December and performed well in the District event at Jackson High School in January. She knocked down all 25 shots in Newark to advance to this weekend’s event in South Bend.
According to the Elks National Foundation website, the Hoop Shoot National Finals will take place at Wintrust Arena, home of the WNBA Champion Chicago Sky and DePaul Blue Demons. Weaver’s age division will compete at 9am on Saturday, April 20 and will be livestreamed on the Elks YouTube channel and Facebook page.