Pickaway Back To School Supply Donations Requested
Article Presented By Kingston National Bank…

(Circleville) – FORJAK Industrial, the Take Back The Strip Cruisers, and Uptown Circleville have all joined together to collect school supplies for students in need throughout Pickaway County. There are three different times and ways to donate, then all donations will be sorted by age group and distributed by FORJAK Industrial thru the schools’ guidance departments to students in need.
The donated school supplies will be for:
* Circleville
* Logan Elm
* Pickaway/Ross Vocational
* Teays Valley
* Westfall
When and Where to donate;
Friday, August 4th – 5pm until 8pm. Uptown Circleville – Awesome August First Friday Event at Pumpkin Show Park -North Court Street, Circleville.
Saturday. August 5th – 5pm until 8pm. September Take Back The Strip Cruise at the Old Purina Mill on South Court Street, Circleville.
Any day from now through August 10th from 8am until 5pm donations can be dropped off at FORJAK Industrial – 544 Clinton Street, Circleville.