Pickaway County Fair Opens Saturday
Presented by Classic Brands
Fair season has arrived and the first in our region is the Pickaway County Fair.
Litter Media’s Dan Ramey visited with Fair Board President Von Cremeans for a preview of the 2022 edition of the Pickaway County Fair, opening June 18 and running through June 25 in Circleville.
This Saturday and Sunday, fair admission is free as most of the livestock move in. Hogs will move in on Sunday.
The Fair King and Queen Contest is Sunday evening at the Amphitheater following the opening ceremony at 6:30pm.
Rides begin operating on Monday evening at 5pm and the first of the Grandstand entertainment for the week begins at 7pm featuring Junior Fair Night and the Ag Olympics.
Additional Grandstand Entertainment includes Motorcross Tuesday, Autocross Wednesday, OSTPA Tractor Pulls Thursday, COTPC Truck Pull Friday and a Demolition Derby Saturday to cap the week of Fair activities, each beginning at 7pm nightly.
Cremeans says the Livestock Sale is a one day event again this year, beginning at 10am Saturday June 25th inside Heritage Hall. The order of the sale features hogs, beef, sheep, goats, rabbits and then poultry.
For more details, visit www.pickawaycountyfair.org.