Pike Health Dept. Addresses Local Concerns Over East Palestine Water Contamination
Article Presented By Accurate Heating, Cooling & Plumbing…
(Pike County Health Department) – The health district has been in contact with Pike Water, Waverly Water, Village of Piketon, Village of Beaver, and Scioto Water concerning the East Palestine contamination situation. Each of these entities pull water directly from wells connected to the Teays Valley underground aquifer for Pike County customers – not the Ohio River and not any surface water system. For this reason, there is little concern of negative impact on the quality or safety of drinking water in Pike County.
“We have also been in contact with the Ohio EPA and Pike EMA and there are no current mandates or advisories for Pike County or for our water suppliers. We will continue to monitor this situation and support our mission to improve the quality of life of individuals and families in Pike County by preventing disease, promoting health, and providing environmentally safe surroundings.”