Ross County Fair Crowns Royalty & Honors 4-H Leaders On Opening Night
Article Presented By Hometown-Motors, Inc…
The Ross County Fair kicked off 2023 with a host of honors Sunday night, including this year’s Fair Queen & King Court, along with the top 4-H adult leader, young 4-H leaders, and a memorial tribute to a long-time 4-H club leader who recently passed away.
One change this year for the Queen & King Contest, saw a top prize of $1,000 going to each winner, with 1st Attendants receiving $500, 2nd Attendants $250, 3rd Attendants $150, and 4th Attendants $100.
Ellie Ratliff of Seed Planters 4-H Club was crowned as this year’s Queen, Avery Barker of Jefferson Livestock Club is 1st Attendant, Olivia Chaney of American Made 4-H Club is 2nd Attendant, Hailey Bane of Blue Ribbon 4-H Club is 3rd Attendant, and Nora Beery of Ragged Ridge Ramblers 4-H Club is 4th Attendant.

The Ross County Fair King is Ryan Andrews, Charley Clyne is 1st Attendant, Wyatt Vick is 2nd Attendant (all from of Walk, Trot, Canter 4-H Club), and 3rd Attendant is Sailor Cope of Clever Clovers 4-H Club.

The 2023 4-Her’s of the Year are: Ella Hartmas, Gracelyn Blaney, Camron Naumovski, and Ava Palmer.

The 2023 Friend of 4-H has been presented to Amy Smythe (seen below)

The 2023 Friend of Ross County Junior Fair was posthumously awarded to long-time Clarksburg area 4-H leader Judy Gary, who recently passed away. Her husband, Steve Gary, accepted the honor for his late wife.

Junior Fair Night is still on its traditional Tuesday Night slot, with the first of the livestock sales beginning Thursday. The Ross County Fair runs through Saturday.