Ross County Returns To OhioCheckbook Website
Article Presented By Tomlinson Insurance…
(Chillicothe) – Ross County Auditor Jeff Lehner and Treasurer David Jeffers have announced their decision to reinstate Ross County’s participation in OhioCheckbook.com, a joint venture of the State Treasurer’s office and the Governor’s Office of Budget & Management that allows Ohioans to view state- & local government spending data in a searchable, user-friendly format.
Ross County previously participated in the program through 2020; year-to-date spending data for 2023 is now viewable on the site as are expenditures for 2021 & 2022.
“This was a total no-brainer,” Lehner said. “There is no cost to Ross County taxpayers associated with this decision, and our renewed participation in OhioCheckbook.com means that the people of Ross County can once again access the County’s spending data at their convenience, 24/7. Why would we not do this?”
Treasurer Jeffers agreed: “OhioCheckbook.com is a great resource for anyone interested in seeing how Ross County’s government offices and agencies spend taxpayer dollars. I fully support the program and we’ll see to it that Ross County sticks with it this time.”
OhioCheckbook.com was launched by then-State Treasurer Josh Mandel in 2014 as a means toward providing greater transparency in state- & local government in Ohio. Participation by local governments is voluntary and data is updated at the discretion of local elected officials with fiscal oversight responsibilities for their entities.
For more information, visit OhioCheckbook.com
Direct link to Ross County data: https://checkbook.ohio.gov/local/counties.aspx?municipality=Ross%20County