Ross Emergency Management To Conduct Functional Exercise
Article Presented By Horizon Connects
(Chillicothe) – When disaster emergencies occur, first responders want to make sure they are up-to-date on the best way to handle those emergencies, and that takes preparation.
The Ross County Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) and the Ross County EMA will conduct a Functional Exercise on August 30th, at 475 Western Avenue in Chillicothe.
Registration begins at 9 am with the exercise starting at 10 am. This functional Exercise will be conducted with the following objectives:
1. SERC #4- Emergency Operations Center (EOC)- Demonstrate the ability to utilize an EOC to coordinate and support emergency response activities.
2. SERC #5- Resource Management- Demonstrate the ability to identify, mobilize, and manage, resources required for emergency operations.
3. SERC #6- Communications- Demonstrate the ability to effectively establish and maintain communications among all appropriate response locations, organizations, and personnel.
4. SERC #9- Emergency Public Information- Demonstrate the ability to coordinate and disseminate accurate information about the incident to the public and media in a timely manner.
This exercise is intended only for the Local Emergency Planning Committee and Ross County EMA.