Seip Mound To Host Monarch Butterfly Tagging
Article Presented By Classic Brands…
(Seip Mound)- Join Hopewell Culture National Historical Park staff Sunday, September 8th, at Seip Earthworks to help capture and tag monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus). As part of the Monarch Watch program, Hopewell is helping a nationwide effort to study the amazing migration monarchs undertake every fall. Nets and free handouts will be provided about butterflies and other wildlife. Make sure to bring water, sunscreen, and running shoes – these butterflies are planning to migrate thousands of miles, so will take you on a great chase at times. Expect to walk and/or run a lot! All participants will need to complete a volunteer form.

Park staff and volunteers will demonstrate safe and proper techniques for capturing and handling these delicate winged marvels. Once a monarch is carefully captured, they will receive a tag, which is a specially made sticker placed on their wings. Volunteers and scientists along the migration route throughout the country and Mexico can then easily observe the tag and thereby assist in tracking monarchs to their winter homes and back!
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