September Area Blood Drive Schedule
Article Presented By Classic Brands…
As summer wraps up and kids head back to school, we know schedules shift and blood donors are busy. The Red Cross is reminding donors that blood for patients can only come from volunteer donors. Please make time to give blood to ensure it’s available for patients this fall. Good things happen when you give! All who come to give September 1st-18th will get an exclusive Red Cross T-shirt, while supplies last. Plus, thanks to Sport Clips Haircuts, donors will get a coupon for a free haircut by email when they come to give in September.
Details available at rcblood.org/racetogive.
Below are the blood drives that are open to the public in Ross County in September:
- VA Medical Center – Auditorium
Thursday September 7th
To schedule an appointment call 1-800-RED CROSS or visit RedCrossBlood.org, sponsor code: VAMCChillicothe
- Zane Trace High School -Gymnasium
Tuesday September 12th
To schedule an appointment call 1-800-RED CROSS or visit RedCrossBlood.org, sponsor code: ZaneTraceHS.
- Frankfort Community – Masonic Lodge located at 23 W Springfield Street
Saturday September 23rd
To schedule an appointment call 1-800-RED CROSS or visit RedCrossBlood.org, sponsor code: FrankfortCommunity
- Lions Club Chillicothe – Drive held at South Central Ohio Chapter
Monday September 25th
To schedule an appointment call 1-800-RED CROSS or visit RedCrossBlood.org, sponsor code: LionsChillicothe
- Paint Valley High School – Gymnasium
Thursday September 28th
To schedule an appointment call 1-800-RED CROSS or visit RedCrossBlood.org, sponsor code: PVHS
- South Central Ohio Chapter – Friedman Donor Room
Friday September 29th
To schedule an appointment call 1-800-RED CROSS or visit RedCrossBlood.org, sponsor code: SCOC
Below are the blood drives that are open to the public in Highland County in September:
- Adena Greenfield Medical Center – drive held at the Greenfield Area Christian Center
Wednesday September 20th
To schedule an appointment call 1-800-RED CROSS or visit RedCrossBlood.org, sponsor code: AdenaGreenfieldMC
- Hillsboro Community Blood Drive – Marshall Community Center
Friday September 22nd
To schedule an appointment call 1-800-RED CROSS, visit RedCrossBlood.org, sponsor code: Hillsboro, or walk in the day of the blood drive
- Greenfield McClain HS – Gym
Wednesday September 26th
To schedule an appointment call 1-800-RED CROSS or visit RedCrossBlood.org, sponsor code: GreenfieldHS
Below is the blood drive that is open to the public in Fayette County in September:
- Fayette County Community– Crossroads Christian Church
Monday September 11th
To schedule an appointment call 1-800-RED CROSS or visit RedCrossBlood.org, sponsor code: FayetteCounty