The Historic Mace House at the Chillicothe VA Medical Center Open for Tours
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The Mace House at the Chillicothe VA Medical Center was built in 1826, and today is a military museum open to the public.
The House belonged to the Mace family ever since Isaac Mace bought it in 1872, and the home was vacant for most of the 20th century. In 1918 it became property of the US Army, since it was a part of Camp Sherman.

After World War I and the construction of the VA Medical Center, the house was restored in 1985 and used as a conference center. It now is under the direction of the Nathaniel Massie Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution.

The Mace House will be open for tours from May 28th until June 1st, from 9am-3pm, except on June 1st, when the hours will be 10am-2pm.
You can reserve a tour outside of these dates by emailing macemiller@horizonview.net, and read more about the Mace House here.