Unioto Boys/Girls Sweep Team Titles At Ross County Track & Field Meet
Presented By McDonald’s, I’m Lovin’ It!

Billed as the “Longest Running Regular Season Track Meet in Ohio”, the 96th Ross County Track and Field Meet had a twist that kept many people wondering until the following morning as to what school won the boys team title.
The company timing and clerking the meet (Chip Timing/Event Management) lost services to their electronic timer for the boys 3200 meter run, plus the heavy downpour of rain at the time of the race caused the numbers to fall off some of the runners, preventing the scoring for that race Tuesday night.
The scoring company’s website showed as late as Wednesday morning that Adena Boys had 104.5 points for first place, Zane Trace with 98 and Unioto with 95, but also no result for the “3200 run”.
Adena Athletic Director Scott Hurtt confirmed to Litter Media Wednesay morning that Unioto boys took 1-2 in that race, passing both Adena and Zane Trace in the standings to give the Shermans the team title. Adena boys finish as runner-up and Zane Trace third in team standings.
Unioto Coach Matt Paxton told Litter Media’s Mike Smith that the top-two finish in the 3200 run gives the Shermans 113 points for the team crown.
Unioto Girls won their meet in “run away” fashion, scoring 168 points, even with the points from their 3200 run and 4×400 relay- yet to be posted.
The Lady Shermans had doubled the second and third place teams point total even without those race event points, with no possibility of being surpassed when they too are added.
At the time of this story posting, Adena Girls appear as the runner-up.

Individual race results and team standings were still incomplete as of the writing of this story (8:50am 5/5/21), but should be updated sometime during the day.
You can keep checking this link throughout the day to see of results have been updated. CLICK HERE: