Vietnam Veteran Commemoration Day
Presented By Hometown-Motors, Inc.
(Chillicothe) – On March 29, 2022, the Chillicothe VA Medical Center will pay tribute to Vietnam Veterans and their families during a virtual Vietnam Veterans Day Commemoration Ceremony.
U.S. involvement in Vietnam started slowly with an initial deployment of advisors in the early 1950s, grew incrementally through the early 1960s and expanded with the deployment of full combat units in July 1965. The last U.S. personnel were evacuated from Vietnam in April 1975.
Approximately 9 million Americans served during the Vietnam era (November 1, 1955, to May 15, 1975). More than 6 million are still alive today.
The Vietnam War Veterans Recognition Act of 2017 established March 29 as the day to pause and commemorate, remember, recognize and honor Vietnam Veterans, former Prisoners of War, those listed as Missing in Action and their families.
March 29 was chosen for several reasons. It was on this date 49 years ago that the last combat troops departed Vietnam. It was also on this day, nearly half a century ago, that Hanoi freed the remaining prisoners of war the Republic of Vietnam was willing to acknowledge.
On this anniversary, we recognize all those who served this country – in Vietnam, in theater, anywhere around the globe – between November 1, 1955, when the Military Assistance Advisory Group, Indochina, was redesignated the Military Assistance Advisory Group, Vietnam, MAAG-V, and May 15, 1975, when our Service members fought and fell on Koh Tang Island off the coast of Cambodia.
As part of the national observance, the Vietnam War Commemoration is interviewing Vietnam Veterans and their families and archiving these oral history interviews on the commemoration website and via the Library of Congress Veterans History Project. To learn more about this program visit or visit their Facebook page at
A recording of the Chillicothe VA Vietnam Veterans Day Commemoration Ceremony will be posted on the facility Facebook page ( at 1 p.m. on March 29.