WCH Making Late Charge In Effort To Catch Chillicothe For FAC Golf Crown
Article Presented By Scioto Valley Dumpsters, LTD…
(Greenfield) – The FAC Boys Golf title chase will come down to the final match of the season as the Washington Blue Lions edged Chillicothe by four strokes Thursday in Match #5 at Buckeye Hills Country Club.
Chillicothe still holds onto first place in the conference with a narrow two win lead heading into the last nine hole match to held on September 11th at the Chillicothe Country Club.
John Wall of Washington and Chillicothe’s Aidan Fischer were match co-medalists with 37’s.

Wednesday’s Team scores:
Washington CH 161
Chillicothe 165
Miami Trace 172
Jackson 180
McClain 196
Hillsboro 202
Conference Standings following August 30th:
Chillicothe (22-3)
Washington (20-5)
Miami Trace (16-9)
Jackson (12-13)
Hillsboro (4-21)
McClain (1-24)