Wheelersburg Transmission Line OK’d While Solar Farm Project in Pickaway County Withdrawn
Article Presented By Rathkamp Financial…
(Wheelersburg) – The Ohio Power Siting Board (OPSB) has approved an agreement allowing AEP Ohio Transmission Company to construct a new 138 kilovolt (kV) transmission line in Scioto County.
The Althea-Sweetgum 138 kV Transmission Line will be located approximately two miles south of the city of Wheelersburg. The transmission line will run approximately 3.2 miles along AEP’s preferred route between the existing Sweetgum Substation on the northern end and the existing Althea Substation on the southern end. The new transmission line is part of a larger set of projects designed to upgrade the transmission system in Scioto County.
In separate business, the OPSB granted Scioto Farms Solar Project, LLC’s request to withdraw its application for a certificate to construct the Scioto Farms Solar Project in Pickaway County.
Additional information about today’s OPSB decisions is available at www.OPSB.ohio.gov. Copies of today’s order and entry will be available in case numbers 22-0857-EL-BTX (AEP Althea-Sweetgum Transmission Line) and 21-0868-EL-BGN (Scioto Farms Solar Project), A recorded webcast of today’s OPSB meeting is available on the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio’s YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/user/PUCOhio.