DeWine Announces Partnerships in COVID-19 Testing
In the coming weeks, watch for COVID-19 testing to become more prevalent in Ohio.
In his daily news conference Friday, Governor Mike DeWine announced through the efforts of former Governors Dick Celeste and Bob Taft heading the Ohio Coronavirus Testing Strike Force, a partnership with Thermo Fisher for increasing the kits necessary for COVID-19 testing.
The major reason for the conservative use of Ohio’s of test kits has been shortage of supply. Additionally, swabs used in testing have been difficult to come by. DeWine says that will be solved by a second partnership with Cleveland area based ROE Dental Laboratory, which will be able to produce one million swabs for the tests.
DeWine laid out a production structure beginning April 29th will see Ohio with the ability to test 7,200 people a day, expanding to 22,000 by May 27th.
The Governor added the state will have the ability to be more aggressive with testing in nursing homes, attacking hot spots should they happen, test in homeless shelters as well as homes for developing disabled and workers in the food service, grocery and manufacturing industries.
This Monday, DeWine plans to detail the process to re-open Ohio after May 1st, the final day of the extended Ohio Stay-At-Home Order.