Highland Co. COVID-19 Vaccination Process
Presented by McDonald’s, I’m Lovin’ It!
Highland County Health Department has released a combined list of COVID-19 providers in Highland County for the initial Phase 1B vaccination group. Highland County has received a total of 300 doses for its 80 and older group.
Highland County Residents 80 years old and older are eligible for vaccination the week of January 19th.
Highland County COVID-19 Vaccine Providers List
To register, contact these facilities directly. Vaccines are available by appointment only.
Corner Pharmacy, Greenfield – 937-981-2454
Highland County Health Department – 866-395-1588
Kroger Pharmacy in Hillsboro – (registration opens Saturday, January 16) 866-211-5320 www.kroger.com/ohiocovidvaccine
All locations in Highland County have Moderna COVID-19 vaccines.
Before your Appointment
Speak with your healthcare provider if you have ever:
Had a severe allergic reaction to food, medicine, or vaccines
Are pregnant or breastfeeding
Have an autoimmune or immune compromised condition
Are currently taking anticoagulants
For your Appointment
Bring a copy of your Photo ID with Date of Birth
Bring your Insurance Card
Bring any pre-filled registration forms
Bring only one other adult with you
Wear short sleeves or loose-fitting clothing
Be prepared to wait 15 minutes after your vaccination.
Supplies are limited, and phone and other registration systems are likely to experience outages and delays while trying to keep up with registration demands. Patience is appreciated.