Ross County Making Way For Roundabouts
The Ohio Department of Transportation’s District 9 is constructing two roundabouts north of Chillicothe along Ohio 159, where the new Ohio 207 connector intersects and at Ohio 180.
ODOT Public Information Officer Matt McGuire says the work should be complete in 2020.
“There’ll be a new connector connecting the existing 207 over to State Route 159” said McGuire “and there’ll be two roundabouts, one at the new connector and 159 and a roundabout at 180 and 159.”
Studies show roundabouts achieve a 44% reduction in all crashes and a 72-87% reduction in fatal injury crashes when converting a two way stop intersection into a roundabout. READ MORE FROM ODOT
There are nearly 200 roundabouts in the state. Jackson has a roundabout at McCarty Lane and Acy Avenue just west of US 35 and another near Ohio University’s Convocation Center in Athens.