Ross County Historical Society’s Operating Hours During the Pandemic
Presented by Hometown-Motors, Inc.
(The following is an email from the Ross County Historical Society to its members.)
The current coronavirus has affected everyone and forced RCHS to suspend our normal operations of museum tours and research for the past several months. It also caused us to cancel many programs and events this year, such as the Spring & Fall Speakers Series, Archaeology Day, the Farmer’s Market, Junior Member Programs, Schmitt’s German Night, Christmas Open House. Unfortunately, we do not know what other activities will be effected in 2021.
During this time of uncertainty, your support is more important than ever. Our membership count was on the rise, and we were working on more new and exciting ideas to promote local history when all the plans came to a stand still. However, RCHS has stood strong for 125 years, and we will continue our mission of providing entertaining and educational opportunities for our members and friends as soon as we feel it is safe to do so.
As we re-open our facilities within the state guidelines of public health safety standards, we ask for your understanding and cooperation. Please do not hesitate to call us before visiting our facilities if you have any questions or concerns. Our schedule for opening to the public is as follows:
The Ross County Heritage Center, including the Museum and Knoles Log House, will be open by appointment on Fridays & Saturdays, 1-5 p.m. during the COVID 19 Pandemic as long as the Ohio COVID Public Health Emergency Level is at 2 (Orange) or below. The Museum will be closed to the public whenever the level is at 3 (Red) or above. To schedule a museum tour, please call 740-772-1936, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays and Saturdays. The size of tour groups will be limited to four members of a family, the same household, or those traveling in the same vehicle.
The McKell Library will be open by appointment, 1-5 p.m., Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, based on the same emergency levels at the Museum – open at Level 2 (Orange) or below and closed whenever the level is at 3 (Red) or above. Please call 740-773-1896 during operating hours for an appointment.
Walk-ups will only be admitted to both the Museum and Library if the time slot is not already reserved. Hand sanitizing, social distancing and face masks are required for all facilities. Disposable masks will be provided at no charge to those without their own.