Highland County Emergency Management LEPC To Conduct Full Scale Exercise
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(Hillsboro) – The Highland County Emergency Management Agency/Local Emergency Planning Committee is sponsoring a Full Scale Exercise on the morning of Thursday April 18, 2024 at the Highland County Fairgrounds. This exercise will provide local responders with an opportunity to assess capabilities, plans, policies, and procedures in regards to a simulated emergency situation. It will focus on decision-making, coordination, and integration with other organizations during a simulated emergency situation. The expected outcome of the exercise is better first responder coordination, increased communication and support for emergency operations.
During a routine landing at the Highland District Hospital, two medical helicopters collide, causing shrapnel to impact a third helicopter and a nearby portable anhydrous ammonia nurse tank being transported by a farmer. In addition to the chemical release, the incident will simulate multiple injuries of helicopter occupants and of persons nearby. Responders will practice, triaging, treating, and transporting these simulated patients.
The following agencies and organizations will be players in the exercise:
● Elected Officials
● First Responders – (Multiple local Fire Departments and Law Enforcement Represented)
● County Hazardous Materials trained personnel (Multiple local Fire Departments Represented)
● Emergency Management Agency
● Southern State Community College Nursing Program
● Highland District Hospital
● Adena Greenfield Medical Center
● Highland Health Providers
● Care Flight
● Med Flight
During this full-scale exercise, emergency responders and medical helicopters will be actively involved in the simulated emergency scenario. These exercises are designed to test the readiness and coordination of various emergency response agencies, including law enforcement, fire departments, emergency medical services (EMS), and others.