Kunzelman Presented National Honor for Preservation Work
Article Presented By Adena Health System…
(Chillicothe) – The Nathaniel Massie Chapter had the honor of presenting the NSDAR Historic Preservation Medal to Ed Kunzelman, a life-long resident of Chillicothe, where he has done much to save its historic buildings, adding businesses that employ locals and served as an example that has led others to preserve historic buildings.
The citizens of and visitors to Chillicothe have watched the progress of our historic downtown grow into a thriving community of shops and restaurants, with more to come. For over 40 years, Ed has been giving back to the community by restoring our beautiful downtown, most of which was constructed 1853-1889, following a devastating fire in 1852.
To say it is his passion is an understatement. Regent Terressa Reep shared a slide presentation of the buildings Ed has saved, showing the original structures, mid-century improvements, and current restorations. Ed is a force behind the restorations and installation of new businesses, whether his private properties or those in the partnership with others.