Litter Media

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Ross NAACP To Host Jubilee Day 2022

Litter Media's Mike Smith with Ross County NAACP President Adrienne D'Souza

Presented by Atomic Speedway

Litter Media’s Mike Smith sat down with Ross County NAACP President Adrienne D’Souza Monday to discuss the upcoming Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday observance, during a Litter Media LIVE Special Edition.

(Tap photo below to watch the Litter Media LIVE Special Edition interview)

D’Souza says the Ross County NAACP will celebrate Jubilee Day 2022- “Press On, the Struggle Continues” at 4pm Sunday, January 16th at First Baptist Church, located at 65 West Fourth Street ion Chillicothe. Jubilee Day commemorates the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863.

The speaker for this event will be the Reverend Robert Hitchens of Chillicothe, who also serves as Interim Pastor at Trydestone Missionary Baptist Church in Springfield, Ohio.

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic, masks are mandatory to attend this event. 

For any questions related to the celebration, contact Adrienne D’Souza, Ross County NAACP President at (740) 466-5280.