Waverly Downtown Gym Court To Be Named In Coach Carroll Hawhee’s Honor
Article Presented By Scioto Valley Dumpsters, LTD…

An honor long in the making, the historic Waverly Downtown Gym will finally see a name attached to the basketball floor, “C.D. Hawhee Court”.
The late Coach Carroll Hawhee is legendary in southern Ohio as one of the great high school coaches, leading the Waverly Tigers to numerous basketball league and tournament titles, along with a 1970 State Final Four appearance. Hawhee was also head coach of the Tigers’ 1954 State Baseball championship team.

The basketball court will be officially dedicated during Waverly’s December 9th game following the 5:30pm boys basketball game. All who played, were students or cheerleaders impacted by the coaching and teaching of Carroll Hawhee are invited to join the court-side celebration that evening.
For more information, contact Willie Hobbs at willie.hobbs@waverlytigers.net